MEET THE TEAM: abi porter


Today I want to begin to introduce you to the team of women who design, create, implement, administrate, manage, and advise this blog we call He Speaks In The Silence. These are women who pray, asking God for wisdom, then use their gifts to craft beauty for all of us. And I think you need to know them!

So… for the next many weeks we’ll be posting a fun profile of who they are, what they do, what they love, who they love, how they live and lots more delicious details.

If you want to take a peak at the list of questions we all got to choose from, here it is.


I live in: off Alberta in NE Portland

I contribute to the blog by:

Photography and Kitchen posts here and there.

On my perfect day:

I would go on a brunch date with my husband, Josh, then go sit on the beach in Sauvies Island and read a good book.

Three of my favorite books/blogs are:


The glass castle

The night circus

A million little pieces


Oh happy day

Design sponge

Creature comforts

If I could spend a year anywhere in the world:

I would go to Paris. We’ve been there twice and I’m trying to convince him we need to live there for a year ;)

The next big challenge:

I'll be tackling is motherhood. Oy! So excited to have a little one this fall but already praying for wisdom daily!

The iPhone app I wouldn't want to live without is:

I’m a budgeting freak so definitely AceBudget

My favorite thing in my home: 

My vitamix. (or my cats!)

This year, God is revealing himself to me as:

Trustworthy. So often I forget to lean in and trust him through small trials and large yet he’s been so gracious even though I fail at this over and over.

One of my life scriptures is:

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.

Where you can find me:


Instagram: @vanillaandlace